This section of our website contains a list of the most frequently asked questions we have received from our users. Please remember that you can use the contact form to ask us anything related to in case we have omitted to include this information here, or anywhere else on our website. aims to be a reliable information source on the crypto currency market. The name of our website stands for "technical analysis for cryptocurrency trading". As such we aim to inform our users on the principles of technical analysis applied to cryptocurrency trading. We offer a dictionary section explaining the concepts of technical analysis with particular examples applied to cryptocurrency trading. We also have a market reports section in which we gather information on more than 300 USDT spot markets from Binance every 15 minutes from which we draw technical information. Last, but not least, we also give information on several crypto exchange platforms, coins, and occasionally post about Cryptocurrency news.
Our market reports are crafted with the aim of providing the user technical information on the whole cryptocurrency market at a single glance. We use a table with filters and sorting options so that users can spot at any given time the best trading opportunities based on several technical analysis indicators.
Our market reports are updated every 15 minutes.
Our market reports are generated using Binance spot market API. We gather the latest 15 minute candles of all the coins or tokens paired with USDT and compile them to create other longer candles.
The data is processed using PHP's trader library. The stats we offer might differ a little from Binance's own stats.
For now, using TA4Crypto is entirely free of charge. Our business model relies on advertising revenue as well as affiliate revenus from crypto exchanges.
We have secured application partnerships with several crypto exchanges, such as KuCoin or Bybit. Each time we refer a new user to these platforms, we are entitled to receive a small proportion of the crypto trading fees they pay each time they make a new trade. This proportion generally varies between 20 and 40% of their trading fees.
These affiliation partnerships also benefit our users since they get discounts on their trading fees (15-20% generally) if they register through one of our affiliate links.
Currently the only way to receive alerts or notifications from TA4Crypto to subscribe to our Twitter, or Telegram channels. This channel, regularly (every 30 minutes) send important technical information on the cryptocurrency market.
You can use the contact form to ask us anything related to in case we have omitted to include this information here, or anywhere else on our website. We are also open to suggestions or partnership opportunities.